Monday, April 30, 2007

New Oxy CM

This is the latest OXY CM in Japan.
Jin so kawaii !!

It should be newly film judging from Jin's hair and his accessories.
It is so great to see Jin back again, hope to see Jin in DoCoMo CM soon.

Friday, April 27, 2007


I had to post this because kame looked so good in this.

This was one of the segment in cartoon kat tun called "Dat-tun5" which they had to compete wif the guest by throwing darts. I hope they change to Dat-tun 6 when Jin is back for the show. Btw, the April 18 one was so funny the guest was seamo a rapper they talk about 'boobs' and ueda said something really funny.

Major project made me so stress..
My timetable changed again but is gd news cuz my fri now is free from lesson!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cartoon Kat Tun new show

Watched the first episode and second episode. mmm..not bad actually however there is room for improvement interesting nonetheless. Now let's juz wait for the episode which jin has returned and host together with the rest.

Below is juz a small part:

If want to watch the other parts go to youtube.

Monday, April 23, 2007

What a bad day!

Oh well my time table sux..and i could not even change it which in fact was their mistake in missing out my elective.
Nvm i saw the news clip of Jin appeared and sang in the 21st con(tink so) so i post it in here.

Yesterday FM 933 talk about KAT TUN and played 'Precious one' I thought this is gd cuz they really need to publicise more on KAT TUN.
Btw i finally found a way to listen to R-One yay!! can hear maru and ueda.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Shocking Gif

I think this is from one of the performance of Zukkoke Otokomichi
Ryo-u gave me a shock!

See it for yourself.

Anyway this is funny:

Friday, April 20, 2007

Latest from press conference

Busy with project in school ya so is late to post new entry.

Jin officially back in KAT TUN and will appear as a guest in 仙台CON.
In the conference, he also mention that he had not return to Japan while studying in LA.
He also took vocal lesson.
Probably he will officially appeared as one member in tokyo dome concert

P/S: He only get to spend like 10US dollar daily so he led a simple life in US!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Press Conference on April 20

It is confirm on official website. Tomorrow there will be press conference all 6 KAT TUN member will appear.

Extracted from johnnys net:

「KAT-TUN」 赤西 仁 帰国のお知らせ


 昨年秋から半年間に渡り、芸能活動を休止していた 赤西 仁 が、19日(木)夕刻に帰国いたしました。 これにあわせて、4月20日(金)メンバー6人全員で記者会見を行います。

※ 公式携帯サイトJohnny's Webにて この会見の様子を、追って お届けいたします。

[Photo]Jin arrived from US.

Jin is back!!

My previous blog in livejournal dunno what happen i can't go in..
so this is the new blog.
As said in the title JIN is back!! Can't believe this is true..

Taken from japan blog:
本日帰国。 明日会见です。 详细は日刊スポWEBです。

Taken from news:
赤西仁が帰国!20日に记者会见 KAT-TUN赤西仁(22)が19日に帰国していたことが分かった→
日刊スポーツによると昨年10月から休业していたが19日、语学留学先のロサンゼルスから帰国当初、休业期间を明言していなかったが、半年间で帰国となった。20日に都内で会见する。                      (以上引用元日刊スポーツ) 待っていました!お帰りなさい。 休业の真相がいよいよ分かるのでしょうか。事务所をかえて再出発など一部噂がありましたが、KAT-TUNに复帰だといいですね

however have to wait till tml to confirm..